Introduction to memory loss and dementia
Rohit Panjwani

Rohit Panjwani is a skilled wordsmith who expertly combines philosophy and storytelling with a unique touch. His words effortlessly shift between profound and lighthearted, captivating readers with a delightful blend of depth and entertainment.
Essential reading for caregivers
Dementia vs. Alzheimer's: Clearing confusion. Understand differences, symptoms, and treatments.
Learn about signs of memory loss, dementia, and prevention strategies for cognitive decline.
The prevalence of overweight and obesity in India has been on the rise, surpassing global averages.
Urban areas tend to offer better access to healthcare services, but they also have higher rates of chronic diseases and lifestyle-related health issues
Dementia-friendly neighbourhoods strive to be welcoming, secure, easily accessible, and enjoyable for individuals.
By mitigating risks and embracing brain boosters, we can optimise brain health for life.
A little care in eating the right foods will go a long way.
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